Monday, September 20, 2010

One week at Sunset Beach

It's not a given that one week with one's in-laws would be restful, much less vacation. So I don't take for granted the grace, rest, and refreshment that regularly marks our yearly time with Rebekah's family at the beach. Each year, the Bakers trek down to strikingly beautiful Sunset Beach, NC, and invite the rest of the family to gather for meals, conversation, good books, long naps, the sound of the water, and - most of all - one another. For the week that we're together, we live in an imaginary world where black cherry soda and molasses sugar cookies constitute 2 of the 4 food groups and where the week's 'heavy lifting' refers either to bocce ball or a water-logged Annie.

Actually, it was Annie's first time to make the trip down to Sunset. Debbie (Rebekah's mom) was a gift as she spelled us with regular Annie excursions and Abuela adventures.

Mark (Bek's dad) was also a gift, as he spelled me from my regular photo duties - he's a great shot and far more prolific than me, so I find myself slacking. :) I have a few photos to share, but (many) more are forthcoming.

Bek's brother, Jonathan, and Grandma and Grandpa Baker were with us, too, and the time together was good. Whether sharing a reading room in silence with a bowl of ice cream or catching up on life with one another around a bowl of ice cream or playing a late night game with multiple bowls of ice cream, the time is sweet and one we both look forward to and enjoy.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Location:Sunset Beach, NC

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